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What do we recycle?
Grass Clippings
Garden Waste

How much is it to Recycle?
Branches are priced by the cubic yard or trash bag
• $.75 per trash bag
• $5.00 per cubic yard

Yard/Garden Waste, Leaves, Grass Clippings are priced by the cubic yard or trash bag
• $.75 per trash bag
• $4.00 per cubic yard

Why Recycle Yard Waste?
In the landfill yard waste is a wasted resource. When composted, it becomes a natural plant food and soil amendment. Added to soil, compost absorbs excess rainwater, slows runoff and releases water to plants between rainfalls.

Compost also supports the soil food web, which filters air and water as it percolates through, it also supports healthy plant roots and traps pollutants such as heavy metals and pesticides. Healthy soil is the first step of the popular five-step natural yard care program.

Soil Food Web
A spoonful of healthy soil contains millions of different organisms, including bacteria, fungi, nematodes and protozoa, which:
• Keep disease-causing organisms in check
• Recycle and store nutrients and make them available to plants
• Provide a pathway through which air and water can pass

Phone: (970) 482-4983  |  (970) 493-5107  |  2630 West Mulberry  |  Fort Collins, Colorado 80521

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